“Giddy grasshopper/ Take care...do not leap and crush/ These pearls of dewdrop” ― Issa(1763-1827) - Japanese Haiku
Haiku + Senryu
Haiku is a seasonal, reverent celebration of a subject (nature or people) trying to make a feeling.
Senryu tends to have a victim and may be humorous or irreverant trying to make a point.
- paraphrased from Michael Dylan Welch's Graceguts
an interesting image and a lovely haiku
Such a different take on the prompt..
Nice one!
Great combination of haiku and image. Marie
haiku linked perfectly with image
Yes..I hear you, Gemma. Social norms are crooked...hence they have to ba tactfully
manoeuvred ! I love this...very well done!! :)
All that crookedness in the photo makes me despair of ever finding anything straight!
Crooked Ways
Good to see you here after a long time Gemma.. I enjoyed it..
image and words complement each other.....
It will take a lot of maneuvering! Lovely take.
Thought provoking - I like this.
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