Haiku + Senryu

Haiku is a seasonal, reverent celebration of a subject (nature or people) trying to make a feeling.
Senryu tends to have a victim and may be humorous or irreverant trying to make a point.
- paraphrased from Michael Dylan Welch's Graceguts

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


soft down and water
grated with a metal brush
dipped in silver

Linking to:
Creative Challenge - Perception

On the theme of perception, for an extraordinary, lively story about a philosopical cat
Welcome to the Anglo Swiss World


Anonymous said...

this is lovely....and so too is your photo....each come alive with the
other (Haiku/photo)

Dim Lamp said...

Interesting take on the theme, colours seem to blend in well.

MitchyLR said...

Hi Gemma!! An excellent combination of photo and words!! Each describes the other perfectly.

Danette said...

the water AND the words are silver...a very artistic perception!
thank you for joining in, I hope to see you next week too

Pat Gerber-Relf said...

Wonderful description and beautiful photo

Belita Isabel Janeira said...

A precious entry!!!

Hilarus Fuscus said...

Silver entry, gold post :)

Belita Isabel Janeira said...

Hi, Gemma! I'm back on here to thank you for the visit and comment dropped on my today's blog post. You're always welcome... have a great weekend!

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