Haiku + Senryu

Haiku is a seasonal, reverent celebration of a subject (nature or people) trying to make a feeling.
Senryu tends to have a victim and may be humorous or irreverant trying to make a point.
- paraphrased from Michael Dylan Welch's Graceguts

Sunday, 24 March 2013


Our back verandah, with all its side branches and viewing deck, is almost gone.
The wood was just getting too rotten and unsafe.
Rather than repair, our landlord chose to remove it.
So now we are waiting for the new one to emerge.

when old worlds are stripped
fortitude clasps next beauty
close to the spirit

See how many are better off than you are, but consider how many are worse.
- This will hurt me

Linking to:
Haiku Heights ~ Fortitude
Straight Out of the Camera Sunday


Anonymous said...

This seems not so much about decks and more a metaphor. At least in my life of changes. Very nice. Alice

Shoshana said...

the view is nice...and it will be even better with the new one, I think.

Woman'n'Beyond said...

...and the life goes on. Wonderful!

debu said...

the spirit .. many a times make the old.. its home ..nice one GW

Judith Westerfield said...

Fantabulous haiku - love it!

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