Haiku + Senryu

Haiku is a seasonal, reverent celebration of a subject (nature or people) trying to make a feeling.
Senryu tends to have a victim and may be humorous or irreverant trying to make a point.
- paraphrased from Michael Dylan Welch's Graceguts

Saturday, 6 April 2013


in my secret fire
I see faces and feelings
burning from my mind

Linking to:
Haiku Heights ~ April Heights Haiku Month ~ Fire


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You have a secret life? Oh, how exciting! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the mystery in the first line... which continues through the rest of the poem..... intriguing!

Green Flame

Reading Pleasure said...

Powerful imagery

Nanka said...

Even with strong words like 'burning' there is this blazing flame gently licking around the dry wood, lapping up such good poetry!!

Tigerbrite said...

I love watching a fire, you can see so many images there :)

Maggie Grace said...

Deep thought beautifully expressed.

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