Haiku + Senryu

Haiku is a seasonal, reverent celebration of a subject (nature or people) trying to make a feeling.
Senryu tends to have a victim and may be humorous or irreverant trying to make a point.
- paraphrased from Michael Dylan Welch's Graceguts

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Tiger lily art
Demands instant attention
Like a baby's wail

I made this comparison because the tiger lily in my garden seems to flower for a very short time.
It needs immediate appreciation or it is missed.

Linking to:
Haiku Heights ~ April Heights Haiku Month ~ Lily


Tigerbrite said...

Well, I happened to be here so you have my instant attention :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers! I'd certainly give them immediate attention.

Gillena Cox said...

your juxtaposition is cute and witty

much love...

Siggi in Downeast Maine said...

You said: I made this comparison because the tiger lily in my garden seems to flower for a very short time.
It needs immediate appreciation or it is missed.
I have a similar lily in my garden, and some yellow lilies called "day lilies" ... you haiku is perfection for these lovely ladies of the garden.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Oh yes!! Another way of saying,' this moment is the only one that matters!'

God's Laughing Face

Sankara Jayanth S said...

delightful!! brilliant haiku.. its wonderful to think they demand attention like a baby's wail.. Keep writing
- - -
The Lilies We All Will Be.

Ramesh Sood said...

I just got stuck with the pic..beautiful...couldn't hear someone calling out my name.. doesn't matter ..I will offer her Lily after plucking it from here...

Thanks Gemma for the treat..


Nanka said...

Absolutely, a delicate and a very pretty pink these Tiger Lilies!! They do look well nurtured!! Like the fun comparison!!

Unknown said...

Gemma I love the correlation with the short flowering lily and a baby's wail requiring attention - nicely done.

Panchali said...

This is a Gem of a Blog..
as if you opened up an awareness with your words..
Loved each line..:)) Your haiku are always special..love this page!!:)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The baby's wail would probably get my attention first!

In Her Arms a Lily

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a poem and what an attention getter. Tiger lilies as ferocious beasts.

Reading Pleasure said...


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